KL cabbies block road

KL cabbies block road

KL cabbies block road

Posted: 04 Jun 2014 09:01 AM PDT

KUALA LUMPUR: TRAFFIC at the busy Jalan Bukit Bintang shopping  area  here  yesterday came to a standstill for almost three hours yesterday after some 250 cabbies went on a protest.

The unprecedented action by the cabbies took place after enforcement officers from the Road Transport Department (RTD) and Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) began enforcing regulations relating to taxi operations in the area.

Taxi drivers left their vehicles parked in three rows, which resulted in a 100m stretch of road closed to traffic.

RTD enforcement director Jaafar Mohamed confirmed the protest had taken place.

"I can confirm that it did happen (the strike) and we were surrounded by cab drivers during the incident. We have lodged a police report and it will be brought to the attention of RTD Putrajaya.

"We request for the cooperation of taxi drivers not to break the law and not to touch or harm enforcement personnel who were carrying out their duties.

"Once the police investigation concludes and we have the relevant proof of the taxi plate numbers, we will bring up the matter with SPAD and the police for action to be taken."

Jaafar said a meeting would be held with the police, SPAD, and Kuala Lumpur City Hall to decide on the next course of action.

Dang Wangi police chief Assistant Commissioner Zainuddin Ahmad said the taxi drivers agreed to disperse an hour later, which gradually eased up the traffic gridlock caused by the protest.

Bistari Taxi Association chairman Mohamed Asharaf Yasin said the protest took place over RTD and SPAD's move to forbid taxi drivers from parking their vehicles at the taxi stand beside the Pavilion shopping mall.

Asharaf said it was unfair for them to station their enforcement officers under an umbrella and to disperse any taxi waiting for customers.

Asharaf claimed the situation boiled over when an RTD officer told a taxi driver to call other taxi association members if he was dissatisfied.

The protest was resolved after members from the association and RTD enforcement officers discussed the matter at the Dang Wangi police station. Additional reporting by Atiqa Hazellah

Taxi drivers parking their vehicles in the middle of Jalan Bukit Bintang to protest against the RTD operation in the area.

KL varsity hit by flash flood

Posted: 04 Jun 2014 09:01 AM PDT

In the 2.45pm incident, students in the middle of a semester examination rushed out in an attempt to save their vehicles.

"The flash flood also saw the examination being called off temporarily," said a IIUM corporate communications spokesman.

"The water level flowed rapidly into the compound and into the vehicles after nearby streams burst their banks," he said, adding that the flash flood was the worst this year in the campus.

The situation was brought under control by 3.15pm when rain ceased.

Abu Huzaifah Zulkifli, 22, said he was heading back to his dorm when he was caught in flood waters.

"I could not brave the waters. Instead, I decided to wait until the water had receded because I saw many cars were submerged before heading to my room."

Flash floods at the International Islamic University Malaysia yesterday afternoon. Pic by Farizul Hafiz Awang

A flooded road at International Islamic University Malaysia yesterday. Pic by Asyraf Hamzah

RM1,000 e-vouchers for SMEs to upgrade system

Posted: 04 Jun 2014 09:00 AM PDT

 KUALA LUMPUR: SMALL- and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) are  eligible for RM1,000 e-vouchers to purchase or upgrade to Goods and Services Tax (GST)-compliant accounting software.

  In making the announcement yesterday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the GST e-vouchers would ensure a smoother business transition when the GST comes into effect.

  "This voucher is meant to be a simple, fast and effective way for SMEs to purchase or upgrade to GST-compliant accounting software.

  "All they need to do is  submit an online application for the e-voucher, which can be used to purchase the software from participating vendors," he said when launching the SMIDEX 2014 Annual Showcase at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre here yesterday.

  The e-vouchers by SME Corporation, he said, were among the financial assistance and tax incentives for the purchase of GST-related software and hardware.

  Najib said the government had allocated RM100 million for a series of nationwide awareness and training programmes to provide a clear understanding of the GST.

  "We have embarked on a series of fiscal reforms to shift our economy to a more sustainable footing and this includes the implementation of the GST.

  "Therefore, I want all stakeholders, particularly businesses, to have a clear understanding of how to prepare for the GST."

  At the same time, Najib said, governments around the world, including Malaysia, must ensure trade liberalisation measures take into account the interests of SMEs and their integration into both the supply and value chains.

  "As most Malaysian SMEs are in the services sector, we have introduced the Merger and Acquisition of Small and Medium Service Providers Incentives, aimed at encouraging the creation of more competitive and resilient SMEs."

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak presenting a mock cheque for RM1 million to the winner of the Most Innovative SME 2014 award, Dr Sam Khay Yong (second from right), from the Kuala Lumpur Sports Medicine Centre. With them are International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed (left), SME Corporation Malaysia chairman Datuk Dr Mohamed Al Amin Abdul Majid (centre) and SME Corporation Malaysia chief executive officer Datuk Hafsah Hashim. Pic by Effendy Rashid

PM elected Academy of Sciences fellow

Posted: 04 Jun 2014 09:00 AM PDT

In a statement ASM said science and technology formed the epicentre of  the economic transformation programme.

It added a total of 21 new fellows were announced by ASM in its 19th  annual general meeting last month.  

"The new fellows include former Malaysian Meteorological  Department director-general Datuk Dr Yap Kok Seng, di rector-general of Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)  Datuk Dr Abd Latif Mohmod and Universiti Teknologi  Petronas vice chancellor Datuk Ir (Dr) Abdul Rahim Hashim,"  the statement said.  

Joining them were Professor Dr Agamutu Pariatamby from  University of Malaya, Professor Dr Jinap Selamat, Professor  Dr Shamshuddin Jusop and Professor Dr Tan Soon Guan from  Universiti Putra Malaysia, ASM said.

"They have been elected as fellows for their outstanding  contribution in the field of biological, agricultural and  environmental sciences in the country," the statement said.

ASM further said, Professor Dr Abdul Rahman Mohamed,  Professor Datuk Ir Dr Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Professor  Datuk Ir Dr Badhrulhisham Abdul Aziz, Professor Datuk Dr  Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis and Ir Lalchand Gulabrai had been  elected as fellows for their contribution in the field of  engineering and computer sciences.

Meanwhile, Professor Dr Jamunarani S Vadivelu, Pro fessor Datuk Dr Rohana Yusof, Dr Teo Soo Hwang and  Professor Dr Wan Azman Wan Ahmad were recognized for  their contribution in the field of medical and health sciences,  said the statement.

The statement said other newly elected fellows were  Professor Dr Mohd Yusof Othman and Professor Dr Ng Kwan  Hoong for their contributions in mathematics, physics and  earth sciences discipline.

Professor Datuk Dr Musa Ahmad and Professor Dr Noor saadah Abd Rahman were elected for their contribution in  chemical sciences discipline. Another newly elected fellow  representing the industry is Dr Mohd Yusoff Sulaiman from  Malaysia Industry-Government Group for High Technology  (Might).

ASM President Tan Sri Dr Tajuddin Ali said, the attractive  feature of the academy was that it could be effectively utilised  to provide independent scientific assesment.

"As demonstrated in many of our partner academies  around the world, there are occasions where the government  needs independent scientific advice on matters of national  interest," he said.Bernama

Illicit cigarette trade a smokescreen for gangs

Posted: 04 Jun 2014 09:00 AM PDT

The World Customs Organisation Illicit Trade Report 2012 noted that the illicit tobacco trade was a good opportunity for organised crime groups to generate large profits.

It also reported that the proceeds of the illicit trade in tobacco were laundered or used to fund other crimes.

Interpol secretary-general Ronald K. Noble, in a statement in March, said the lack of control in the cigarette component supply chain has contributed to the sale of illicit cigarettes by organised crime syndicates, who are raking in billions in illegal profits.

In Malaysia, approximately one out of three packs of cigarettes sold are said to be illicit.

Last year's Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research Report had also ranked Malaysia second highest in the world in the illicit cigarette trade.

As such, the Customs Department is bent on halting the sale of smuggled cigarettes.

Its director-general, Datuk Seri Khazali Ahmad, said yesterday the department welcomed the help of other enforcement agencies in its nationwide operation against illicit cigarettes, Op Outlet.

"Our effort to continue with operations, especially Op Outlet, is clear testimony of our resolve to cut the supply chain of illicit or contraband cigarettes."

Khazali said the department also welcomed the help of the public, who were its eyes and ears.

The department's director of intelligence, R. Mariappa, said the department had "re-strategised" efforts to fight the illicit trade.

He said the new wave of Op Outlet, which was relaunched in March this year, was geared towards reducing the demand for the contraband.

"This is done by continuously monitoring all outlets selling contraband. Those caught will be remanded and taken to court."

Mariappa said the department had sought maximum sentences be meted out on those found guilty.

The operation involved the deployment of "strike teams" in all the states in the country to raid premises that were suspected to be selling illicit cigarettes.

The 44 strike teams comprise 200 officers from the department and from the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry.

The raids were also extended to all the ports and free-trade zones.

The department also uses 'mystery shoppers', who will carry out test buys at several outlets that are suspected of selling these cigarettes and if it is true, the information will be passed on to the strike team.

As of May 15, raids were carried out on 2,618 premises, of which 999 were found to be selling illicit cigarettes.

A total of 227 traders have been charged — 129 charged with selling the contraband and the rest for being in possession of smuggled cigarettes.

The department had also been working with other ministries and agencies, such as the Health Ministry, police and the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency.

Besides the nationwide operations, the department had also distributed fliers and posters to sundry shops containing reminders and warnings to traders.

A Kedah Customs officer inspecting a sundry shop for contraband cigarettes.

No heir apparent to Nasi Kandar eatery

Posted: 04 Jun 2014 09:00 AM PDT

 GEORGE TOWN: IT looks like the ownership crisis involving family members fighting for the right to operate Line Clear Nasi Kandar, one of Penang's most famous curry outlets, is headed to  court.

This follows an adamant Abdul Hamid Seeni Pakir claiming that he is the heir apparent to Line Clear Nasi Kandar.

The 65-year-old claimed his father and uncle, who co-founded the famous Penang nasi kandar outlet 65 years ago, did not hand the eatery to anybody after they died in the 1970s.

"The running of the eatery was never rotated among anybody.

"I have no choice, but to take this issue over the ownership of Line Clear to court," he said here yesterday.

Hamid was dismissing claims by three people— Abdul Latif Thulkarunai, Pathumah Iskandar, Sahubarali China Mohd Hanibah — that they were co-owners of the eatery.

He claimed the Penang Island Municipal Council had wrongly issued a licence to the trio to run the eatery in 2012.