S Korea rescue for sinking ferry with 450 passengers |
- S Korea rescue for sinking ferry with 450 passengers
- Asus Zenfone on sale in Malaysia at end of April
- Mini-sub on second mission after first MH370 search aborted
- Polis buru suspek ceroboh kilang
- APMM percaya aktiviti seludup didalangi warga tempatan dan asing
- Penjaja haram cabut lari bila penguat kuasa MPS datang
S Korea rescue for sinking ferry with 450 passengers Posted: 15 Apr 2014 06:44 PM PDT South Korea sent coastguard vessels and helicopters Wednesday to rescue around 450 passengers — mostly high school students — on a ferry sinking off the southern coast, officials said. SEOUL: South Korea sent coastguard vessels and helicopters Wednesday to rescue around 450 passengers — mostly high school students — on a ferry sinking off the southern coast, officials said. "The ship is taking in water and sinking," a coastguard spokesman told AFP by phone. "There are around 450 people on board and we have coastguard vessels, commercial ships in the area, as well as helicopters all engaged in the rescue operation," the spokesman said. Earlier reports had put the number of people on board at 350. Most of the passengers were believed to be high school students on a trip to the southern resort island of Jeju. The Yonhap news agency cited rescue agency officials as saying 130 passengers had already been taken off the stricken ferry, which ran into trouble 20 kilometres (13 miles) off the southern coast. "We heard a big thumping sound and the boat stopped," one passenger told the YTN news channel by telephone. "The boat is tilting and we have to hold on to something to stay seated," the passenger said. – AFP |
Asus Zenfone on sale in Malaysia at end of April Posted: 15 Apr 2014 06:37 PM PDT JAKARTA: In conjunction with the official launch of Asus Zenfone series for Southeast Asia in Jakarta yesterday, Asus Malaysia has just confirmed the selling price of their 3 new models to the local market. Based on the previous report on Amanz.my, the 4 inched display Zenfone 4 will be priced at RM299, RM599 for the 5 incher Zenfone 5 and the 6 inched device Zenfone 6 will cost around RM899. All three devices will be running on the Intel Atom processor, comes with dual-SIM support, and equipped with Asus exclusive user interface named ZenUI. Zenfone 4 visualized using 5-megapixel rear camera, while Zenfone 5 camera comes with 8-megapixel with PixelMaster feature and Zenfone 6 fitted with 13-megapixel PixelMaster camera. The phones touchscreen responsiveness which clocked at 60ms response time is identical to Iphone 5, Corning Gorilla Glass 3 are installed on the surface of the display to provide scratch resistant protection and the implementation of Sonic Master technology will provide a better experience in audio enhancement. Local distributors are anticipated to make the devices available on sale by end of this month. This reproduced article is first seen in Amanz.my, it is translated from the article: http://amanz.my/2014/04/asus-zenfone-malaysia-harga/ We encourage commenting on our stories to give readers a chance to express their opinions; please refrain from vulgar language, insidious, seditious or slanderous remarks. While the comments here reflect the views of the readers, they are not necessarily that of Borneo Post Online. Borneo Post Online reserves the right not to publish or to remove comments that are offensive or volatile. Please read the Commenting Rules. |
Mini-sub on second mission after first MH370 search aborted Posted: 15 Apr 2014 06:12 PM PDT A mini-sub searching for missing Flight MH370 was again sweeping the Indian Ocean seabed after aborting its first mission, as Malaysia vowed to reveal any "black box" data found.
The unmanned submarine equipped with sonar gear was deployed Tuesday night after data analysis of the first failed foray drew a blank, Australia's Joint Agency Coordination Centre said. After more than three weeks of hunting for black box signals, the autonomous sub had been deployed for the first time on Monday night from the Australian ship Ocean Shield, which has spearheaded the hunt for the Boeing 777 that vanished on March 8 with 239 people aboard. "The autonomous underwater vehicle was again deployed last night (Tuesday) from ADV (Australian Defence Vessel) Ocean Shield," JACC said. "The data from Bluefin-21′s first mission has been downloaded and analysed. No objects of interest were found," JACC said. The US navy explained that the Bluefin-21 had automatically aborted its first mission after six hours upon breaching its maximum operating depth. JACC added that it had "exceeded its operating depth limit of 4,500 metres (15,000 feet) and its built-in safety feature returned it to the surface". The sub was undamaged and had to be re-programmed, said US Navy Captain Mark Matthews. "In this case the vehicle's programmed to fly 30 metres over the floor of the ocean to get a good mapping of what's beneath," he told CNN from Perth after the aborted dive. "It went to 4,500 metres and once it hit that max depth, it said 'This is deeper than I'm programmed to be', so it aborted the mission." "To account for inconsistencies with the sea floor, the search profile is being adjusted to extend the sonar search for as long as possible," the US Navy statement said. JACC chief Angus Houston announced Monday the end of listening for signals from the plane's black boxes and launch of the submarine operation. The mini-sub is supposed to conduct a sonar survey of the silty ocean floor for 16 hours at a time looking for wreckage from the Malaysia Airlines flight which disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The US Navy estimated it would take the Bluefin-21 from six weeks to two months to scan the search zone, which has been deduced using satellite data and the detection of electronic pulses linked to black box recorders which were last heard a week ago. Houston has described the detections as the best lead in the hunt for the plane, and added Monday that an oil slick had also been sighted in the search area. It would take several days to test a sample of the oil ashore, but Houston said he did not think it was from one of the many ships involved in the hunt. The cause of the plane's disappearance, after being diverted hundreds of kilometres (miles) off course, remains a mystery. No debris has been found despite an enormous search involving ships and planes from several nations. Houston has stressed the enormous difficulties of working at great depths in such a remote location and cautioned about the difficulties of finding the black boxes. If they are ever found, Malaysia's transport minister pledged Tuesday to make public any data recovered, as the government battles widespread criticism over the transparency of its investigation. "It's about finding the truth. And when we… find out the truth, definitely we have to reveal what's in the black box," Hishammuddin Hussein told reporters. "So there is no question of it not being released." The Malaysian government has been tight-lipped about its ongoing investigation into the disappearance of the jet, adding to the anger and frustration of relatives. It has come under fire for a seemingly chaotic initial response, while the scarcity of official information on MH370 has prompted questions over its transparency. Hishammuddin said at the weekend that Malaysia's attorney general had been sent abroad to confer with the International Civil Aviation Organization and determine which country would have custody of the black box, if it is ever found. But he shrugged off the importance of the custody issue on Tuesday. "I don't think it's important who gets custody as far as I'm concerned," he told reporters. Malaysian authorities insist they are hiding nothing but need to be cautious on commenting on ongoing investigations. Hishammuddin also said an "international investigation team" that Malaysia plans to set up to probe MH370′s disappearance would be transparent and operate in accordance with international standards.- AFP |
Polis buru suspek ceroboh kilang Posted: 15 Apr 2014 05:37 PM PDT by Ambrose Rirang. Posted on April 16, 2014, Wednesday BINTULU: Hasil kecekapan anggota polis, dua buah lori yang dilarikan oleh sekumpulan pencuri dari sebuah kilang di Taman Perindustrian Kidurong (TPK) berjaya dijumpai semula dua jam kemudian di KM77 dan 87 Jalan Bintulu-Sibu sekitar jam 4 pagi semalam. Menurut Ketua Polis Daerah Bintulu Superintenden Madang Usat, Bilik Gerakan Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Bintulu menerima laporan berhubung kejadian itu daripada penjaga kilang berkenaan iaitu seorang lelaki warga Indonesia berumur 24 tahun sekitar jam 3.50 pagi. Sejurus itu, maklumat berhubung perkara itu dimaklumkan kepada setiap IPD berdekatan yang mengarahkan Unit Peronda Polis melakukan tugas-tugas sekatan jalan raya serta memeriksa kenderaan dilaporkan hilang itu. "Sebelum itu, pengadu dan isterinya merupakan penjaga kilang juga warga Indonesia mendakwa sekumpulan lelaki bertopeng seramai enam hingga tujuh orang menceroboh masuk ke kawasan kilang berkenaan sekitar jam 2 pagi," katanya pada sidang media di sini petang semalam. Katanya, pengadu dan isterinya mendakwa kedua-dua mereka diikat dan isterinya mendakwa beliau turut dicabul oleh kumpulan pencuri berkenaan yang tidak dapat dikenal pasti disebabkan kesemua mereka memakai topeng di kepala. Katanya, melalui intipan serta pemeriksaan dijalankan Unit Peronda IPD Tatau, pihaknya berjaya menahan lori pertama di KM77 dan penahanan kedua dilakukan di KM87, namun semua pencuri terbabit berjaya meloloskan diri. "Pemeriksaan ke atas kedua-dua lori terbabit mendapati merupakan lori yang dilarikan di TPK dengan nombor pendaftaran kenderaan belum sempat ditukar," ujarnya. Pemeriksaan dijalankan ke atas lori berkenaan turut menjumpai satu dompet dan dalamnya kad pengenalan salah seorang suspek bernama Andy Tony, 20, (nombor kad pengenalan 940133-13-5535) dari Rumah Stephen, Sungai Bawan Kanowit. Polis turut menjumpai topeng muka dan sebilah pisau dipercayai digunakan suspek menjalankan kegiatan jenayah itu. "Polis meminta bantuan orang ramai membantu mengesan salah seorang suspek utama iaitu Andy Tony dipercayai terlibat secara langsung dalam kegiatan jenayah itu," katanya. Kes itu disiasat di bawah Seksyen 395 dan 397 Rompak Bersenjata. Polis turut meminta bantuan masyarakat di sini membantu menyalurkan maklumat sekiranya mengetahui kejadian jenayah berlaku di kawasan mereka terutama membabitkan kecurian kenderaan. |
APMM percaya aktiviti seludup didalangi warga tempatan dan asing Posted: 15 Apr 2014 05:35 PM PDT MIRI: Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia (APMM) di sini percaya aktiviti penyeludupan minuman keras dan rokok ke utara negeri ini yang didalangi oleh warga tempatan turut melibatkan warga asing. Pengarah Operasi APMM Wilayah Miri Komander Maritim Syed Nor Adli Syed Ab Rahman memberitahu, warga asing tersebut disyaki dipergunakan untuk menghantar barangan diseludup masuk ke negeri ini melalui Kuala Lawas pada 13 April lalu dan mereka dibayar atau diupah oleh warga tempatan. Tindakan tersebut dipercayai dilakukan oleh warga tempatan terbabit bagi mengelak mereka daripada dikesan atau ditangkap oleh pihak berkuasa. Syed Adli mendedahkan perkara tersebut pada sidang media bagi mengumumkan rampasan pertama dilakukan agensi berkenaan pada tahun ini di pejabat operasi APMM Wilayah Miri di sini, semalam. Pada 13 April lalu, APMM Miri (DM 13) berjaya menumpaskan satu kegiatan penyeludupan minuman keras dan rokok di jeti feri lama Kuala Lawas di Lawas. "Rampasan dibuat pada waktu malam hari yang sama selepas APMM berjaya mengesan dua buah bot laju dipercayai datang dari Pulau Labuan dan memasuki Kuala Lawas dalam keadaan mencurigakan. "Kedua-dua bot tersebut diekori sehingga mereka tiba di jeti feri lama Kuala Lawas dan melakukan kerja-kerja pemunggahan barang yang dibawa," katanya. Menurut beliau, sebaik menyedari kehadiran anggota APMM di jeti tersebut, mereka terus melarikan diri menggunakan kedua-dua bot laju berkenaan dan meninggalkan barang-barang yang dipercayai hendak diseludup ke kawasan berhampiran. Antara barang-barang ditinggalkan dan dirampas APMM ialah minuman keras pelbagai jenis seperti Lion Stout terdiri daripada 625ml (468 botol) dan 330ml (1,248 botol), bir 'Skol' (240 tin), 'Asahi' (719 tin), 'Hite Ice Point' (240 tin), 'Oettinger Export' (648 tin) dan 'Tsingtao' (456 tin) semuanya dianggarkan bernilai RM13,132.64 selepas cukai. Turut dirampas rokok jenama Premium sebanyak 74 karton dianggarkan bernilai RM7,841.04 selepas cukai. "Jumlah keseluruhan rampasan selepas cukai dianggarkan bernilai RM20,973.68 dan kes tersebut kini sedang disiasat di bawah Akta Kastam 1967," katanya. |
Penjaja haram cabut lari bila penguat kuasa MPS datang Posted: 15 Apr 2014 05:34 PM PDT SIBU: Satu pasangan warga emas melarikan diri sebaik sahaja anggota Penguatkuasa Majlis Perbandaran Sibu (MPS) tiba di pasar basah Dewan Suarah di sini pagi semalam. Pasangan terbabit dikatakan menjaja secara haram dengan menjual sayur-sayuran di pasar basah tersebut. Bertindak seawal jam 6.30 pagi, anggota penguat kuasa MPS diketuai Timbalan Pengerusinya, Datuk Andrew Wong tiba di pasar terbabit. Bagaimanapun, pasangan itu terus membungkus sayur jualan mereka seterusnya meninggalkan tempat tersebut sebelum sempat ditahan anggota penguatkuasa. Wong berkata, beliau menerima beberapa aduan sebelum ini terdapat beberapa penjaja haram mengambil kesempatan berniaga di sana secara kerap dan kadang-kadang sahaja. "Ini akan menyebabkan kerugian kepada para peniaga membayar sewa kerana menghadapi saingan penjaja haram. Ini tidak adil bagi mereka. Justeru, MPS memandang serius hal ini," katanya. Beliau berkata, sekiranya penjaja haram ini ditangkap atas kesalahan berniaga secara haram MPS akan mengenakan hukuman berdasarkan undang-undang sedia ada. "Selain itu, semua produk dijual akan dirampas," katanya. Dilaporkan semasa serbuan di pasar basah itu, semua penjaja haram tidak kelihatan melainkan pasangan warga emas terbabit yang berjaya melarikan diri daripada dicekup MPS. Sementara itu, Wong memberi amaran kepada penjaja berniaga di kawasan kaki lima contohnya di kawasan kaki lima kedai kopi atau di luar premis perlu menghentikan operasi mereka. Menurutnya, berniaga sedemikian adalah haram walaupun mendapat persetujuan daripada pengendali kedai kopi. Wong mendapati banyak penjaja berniaga itu di sini. "MPS mengadakan mesyuarat untuk mengambil tindakan seterusnya bagi dikenakan kepada mereka yang masih degil selaras dengan undang-undang sedia ada," katanya. |
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