EXCLUSIVE: 'Debris could have drifted 242km' |
- EXCLUSIVE: 'Debris could have drifted 242km'
- 'Pakatan neglecting local issues'
- Record turnout to honour Prophet Muhammad
- BN machinery firing on all cylinders
- 'Anwar's stand abnormal'
- Trader told to enter defence
EXCLUSIVE: 'Debris could have drifted 242km' Posted: 21 Mar 2014 09:03 AM PDT 22 March 2014| last updated at 12:44AM KUALA LUMPUR: IF the 24m-long debris turns out to be from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, it could have drifted up to 242km in the last 14 days to the waters off southwest of Perth, Australia, where it was spotted by a surveillance satellite. Experts told the New Straits Times yesterday that the images obtained by the Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation showed they were within the "Indian Ocean gyre" (a large system of rotating ocean currents) and that the objects would have, at the furthest, originated from about the same distance. This suggested finding by the experts, following their analysis of tidal and current charts and their working backward, is to see if indeed the debris was from the impact zone of the aircraft. The area in which the debris was found was well within the maximum range of the jetliner based on the fuel load it was carrying. It was reported that the satellite imagery was taken last Sunday and the information was released on Thursday. Dynamic meteorologist Prof Datuk Dr Azizan Abu Samah of Universiti Malaya, who is an expert in fluid dynamic of water and air, said the debris, which was found at a latitude of between 40 and 50 degrees, would have moved at a speed of 20cm per second. "Had the objects been drifting from a 20-degree latitude, it would have moved at a rate of two centimetres per second," he said, adding that the difference in the current's speed was because of the stronger wind conditions in the lower, southern part of the ocean. He said the currents that swept through the search area marked out of the 68.5 million sq km Indian Ocean, moved westerly from Sumatra to Madagascar, Africa, Australia and back to Sumatra. At least four long-range maritime patrol aircraft were dispatched to the area on Thursday, about 2,500km southwest of Perth, but the search was hampered by bad weather condition. The remote area, where the two objects -- the second measuring about 5m -- were spotted, is also where the Indian Ocean garbage patch is located. It is a gyre of suspended marine litter. The overall length of the Boeing 777-200ER jetliner, which was carrying 227 passengers and a crew of 12, is 63.7m, with a wingspan of 60.9m. Azizan said if the objects were indeed from the plane and had been floating for 14 days, it would likely continue to float as the objects would have "pockets" of air. The satellite images of the debris had raised hopes that investigators could narrow down the search area, which had been said to be akin to looking for a needle in a haystack. Meanwhile, the Malaysian Meteorological Department central forecast division director Muhammad Helmi Abdullah said the ocean tides at the area were strong and dangerous for those scouring the area. "The area is treacherous. The waves are between 4m and 8m high and wind speed is between 40kph and 50kph," he said, adding that the wind blew from the southwest to the northeast, towards Perth and Sumatra. An official in the investigating team said the search for the debris could also be a long-haul one. "We have to trust Australia. They have the capabilities needed for a search of this kind and magnitude. "On the issue of which country actually missed the plane as it passed through their primary radar as it left its last confirmed location (northwest of Penang), it could have simply been out of radar coverage for various reasons," the official said. Additional reporting by Tasnim Lokman
'Pakatan neglecting local issues' Posted: 21 Mar 2014 09:02 AM PDT 22 March 2014| last updated at 12:04AM KAJANG: THE opposition chose to discredit Barisan Nasional candidate Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun instead of addressing local issues. MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai yesterday hit out at the opposition, saying he was disappointed that its leaders continued to discredit Chew. He said the PKR-led state government should refrain from engaging in gutter politics and, instead, help solve Kajang residents' woes. The longstanding problems faced by its residents, he said, included poor drainage, traffic jams and sewage. "Pakatan had neglected the people here and never provided them good services. During the campaign, they never went down to the ground to listen to or face Kajang voters to know their problems," he said at the MCA main operation centre here. He said instead of resolving the issues affecting the constituents, the Pakatan election machinery chose to mount "baseless and irresponsible" personal attacks against Chew. "All these claims are not even related to Kajang folk," he said, adding that such underhand tactics were only meant to discredit Chew and tarnish her reputation. Liow also chided PKR for accusing MCA of planning to shut down Chinese schools if Chew won the by-election against PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail tomorrow. Chew had dismissed claims by Pakatan leaders that she supported the closure of a Chinese school in the past when she was the Petaling Jaya Utara member of parliament from 1999 to 2008. Last Sunday, DAP had claimed that Chew and the MCA had supported the demolition and relocation of SJK (C) Damansara, a Chinese primary school in one of Petaling Jaya's oldest Chinese villages, in 2001. Meanwhile, MCA deputy president and party by-election director Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong said he was disappointed after learning the opposition had spread rumours that MCA was providing cash handouts to voters here. "I received reports from residents in Sungai Chua here that they were 'instructed' via SMS (mobilephone short-messaging system) to visit our main operation centre to collect their 1Malaysia People's Aid money and cash handouts. "These claims are untrue and are meant to confuse the people. We have never asked anyone to collect any money. MCA and BN would never do such a thing," he said, adding that he expected the opposition to continue with its attacks. Wee said irresponsible individuals had also spread rumours that busloads of phantom voters would arrive on polling day to cast their ballots in favour of Chew. "MCA will organise a campaign to catch these phantom voters. If anyone can catch a phantom voter and make sure he is sent to prison, we will reward that person RM1,000," he quipped. Wee also said the state government was monopolising the use of public amenities in Kajang for its campaigns and had barred BN from holding events at these locations. "Public halls and stadiums have been off-limits to us since day one. The Kajang stadium, for example, is holding a carnival from March 7 to March 22, just a day before polling day. It is apparent that they do not want us to use it." MCA deputy president and party by-election director Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong says the Selangor government has monopolised public venues, such as the Kajang stadium. |
Record turnout to honour Prophet Muhammad Posted: 21 Mar 2014 09:01 AM PDT 22 March 2014| last updated at 12:54AM PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor attended the "Malam Cinta Allah dan Rasul 1435H" event at Putra Square here last night. Themed, Kesatuan, Perpaduan dan Persaudaraan (togetherness, unity and brotherhood), the programme featured famous Muslim missionaries Habib Syech Abdul Qodir As Seggaf and Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin from Indonesia. Prior to the programme, Najib and Rosmah joined a congregation of 100,000 to perform the Maghrib and Isyak prayers at Putra Mosque. The prayers were followed by a special prayer (solat hajat) for the safety of the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370's passengers and crew. The people gathered at Putra Square from as early as 5pm. The early birds received a prayer mat sponsored by Tabung Haji. The three-hour event began at 9.30pm with a recitation of Quranic verses followed by a sermon. The evening culminated with a recitation of prayers by Ali Zaenal Abidin. The event, organised by Sekretariat Selawat Perdana in collaboration with the Putrajaya Corporation, was also the biggest gathering in remembrance of the Prophet Muhammad ever organised in the country. Also present was Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak at the Selawat 'Perdana Malam Cinta Allah dan Rasul 1435H' event at Putra Square last night. Joining the prime minister at the special prayers are Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom (on Najib's right), Putrajaya Corporation president Tan Sri Aseh Che Mat (on Najib's left) and Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Ahmad Maslan (right). Pic by Fariz Iswadi Ismail |
BN machinery firing on all cylinders Posted: 21 Mar 2014 09:01 AM PDT 22 March 2014| last updated at 12:07AM In the final lap of the race for the state seat tomorrow, Chew, along with the BN machinery, continue to go to the ground and listen to the people's grouses. "We will reach out to more people, even in the final stage of the campaign. The BN machinery has arranged various programmes to make sure we are on top of things until the campaign ends tomorrow (today)." She said this after a community service programme organised by Semai Bakti (Association of Wives of Ministers and Deputy Ministers) for the disabled at SMK (Integrasi) Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah here yesterday. Chew said being a full-time politician was her strength and she would take up the role of being a constructive state assemblyman. She was previously a deputy women, family and community development minister and former Petaling Jaya Utara member of parliament. "Based on my track record, my services to the people is my focus. If given the chance, I promise to work hard and continue addressing the issues faced by the people in Kajang." Chew said only by meeting the people would one understand their problems and this was the best way to serve them better. "Only then will we know the root cause of (issues) and overcome them." Vowing to tackle issues related to cleanliness, health, traffic and safety, Chew said she would work to make Kajang a more conducive place to live in. "I would like to be an adun (state assemblyman) who is easily approachable." Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun (left) meeting Rehana Muhammad Ibrahim (right) and her son, Shafizuk Amri Jefri, at SMK (Integrasi) Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah in Kajang yesterday. Bernama pic |
Posted: 21 Mar 2014 09:01 AM PDT 22 March 2014| last updated at 12:06AM BANGI : DATUK Seri Anwar Ibrahim's stand on matters such as personal freedom, upholding of the Constitution and Bumiputera rights, are not in sync with the understanding of ordinary Malaysians. Therefore, the public have firm ground to reject his leadership because of his "abnormal" principles. Barisan Nasional deputy chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin made this assertion yesterday, saying Anwar and his supporters should not question such fundamental matters. "For instance, we have accepted our (Federal) Constitution as being set the way it is because of our former leaders' far-sightedness. Matters such as the rights of the Malays and Bumiputera, Islam as the country's official religion and the national language have been accepted as the Constitution's core." Muhyiddin, who is also deputy prime minister, was speaking to civil servants at a function at Universiti Putra Malaysia in Serdang. "We shouldn't attempt to change these principles just because of pressure from those who feel that the contents of our Constitution are archaic and not up to current standards." He said Anwar's insistence that Malaysia's law against unnatural sexual acts was archaic during an interview with foreign media before the 13th General Election was an example of the latter's "unnatural leadership principle". He said BN, in particular Umno, would defend the Constitution against any element that tried to alter its principles. Muhyiddin, who is also Umno deputy president, called on the people, particularly voters in Kajang, to not gamble their future based on emotions, referring to Anwar's sodomy conviction by the Court of Appeal. The Kajang by-election tomorrow will see a straight fight between BN's Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun and PKR president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, who is Anwar's wife. "I have been with Anwar in the past (when he was in Umno) before he joined the wrong camp. He is, indeed, an excellent orator and good at delivering fiery speeches, even now. But despite this talent, we have to consider his principles in upholding what he would like us to believe are his struggles," said Muhyiddin. Earlier, during a meet-the-people programme at the Prison Department's mosque here, he called on Muslims to guard the Constitution and uphold Islam as the country's official religion. He said he was concerned by attempts by certain quarters to dispute the Constitution, adding that the future of Muslims might be at stake. "It has been enshrined in the Constitution that Islam is the official religion of the country. We must protect the Constitution, which also stipulates the rights of other races and religions." Muhyiddin joined a congregation of more than 3,000 people to perform Friday prayers at the mosque. Barisan Nasional deputy chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin meeting civil servants at a function at Universiti Putra Malaysia in Serdang yesterday. Pic by Mohd Yusni Ariffin |
Posted: 21 Mar 2014 09:01 AM PDT 22 March 2014| last updated at 11:56PM KUANTAN: THE pain of losing her youngest daughter was clearly etched on Irene Mortel's face as she fought back tears outside the court room after a High Court judge here ruled that a prima facie case had been established against the accused. The 52-year-old French woman earlier broke down while in the public gallery when Judge Datuk Seri Mariana Yahya ordered petty trader Asni Omar to enter his defence on a charge of murdering Stephanie Foray three years ago. Asni, 38, was charged with murdering Foray at an unnumbered house in Kampung Tekek, Pulau Tioman, between 8pm on May 10 and noon on May 12, 2011. In her 41-page ruling, Mariana said she accepted the testimonies of 44 witnesses as they had high credibility and they were consistent during cross-examination throughout the trial between May 17, 2012 and Dec 20 last year. She said the recovery of the victim's belongings was also made based on information from the accused, who had brought the police to the cave in Kampung Tekek where Foray's body was found. "The victim's blood stains were also found on the wall in his house. I could not find any acceptable excuse that the accused was not with the victim at that time," she said. Mariana said the defence lawyers' failure to cross-examine a witness, As'ari Arrifin, after he went missing, did not jeopardise the case and the poor condition of the exhibits did not affect the test results. First the witness said floods had affected Rompin police headquarters and partially damaged some of the exhibits. However, he said the exhibits sent to the experts showed that they could still be analysed and reliable results given. On the time the murder was alleged to have taken place, Mariana said it was acceptable as the prosecution decided on it based on the statements by witnesses who saw the accused with the victim. Asni, who was clad in a sweater and jeans, appeared calm when the judge read her ruling which took more than two hours. Defence hearing was fixed from April 28 to May 9 when Asni will make his defence under oath. Deputy public prosecutors Amer Abu Bakar Abdullah, Nor Azizah Mohamed and Farahah Mohd Nazari prosecuted while the accused was represented by counsel Datuk Ng See Teong, Mohd Hisham Abd Rahim and Ibrahim Kamaruddin. Counsel Amy Ling was holding a watching brief for Foray's family while French Embassy Consul Stephanie Rouville and Press Attaché Remi Yahya Ishmael accompanied Mortel in court. Mother of Stephanie Foray, Irene Mortel, 52, unable to contain her grief after exiting the Kuantan High Court. Pic by Luqman Hakim |
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