New dengue strain ‘found’ |
- New dengue strain ‘found’
- Sarawak dailies offer no fresh lead on succession plan
- Four siblings begin school
- 'Anwar wants to be Selangor MB'
- No clue yet on Taib's successor
- Always ready to lend a hand
Posted: 09 Feb 2014 08:01 AM PST Their worry is that the discovery of the latest dengue "Den-5" virus by researchers, was a portent of things to come. Malaysia Medical Association president Datuk Dr N.K.S. Tharmaseelan said dengue researchers believed that the virus had been circulating in the jungles of Malaysia and Indonesia for possibly thousands of years without jumping into the urban transmission cycle. They believed that that this may no longer be the case. He said although the virus had not been detected in humans, except for one man in Sarawak who was found to be infected by the Den-5 virus several years ago, the need to keep the strain, as well as other possibly unidentified new dengue variants dormant in these obscure areas, couldn't be more pressing. The Den-5 virus, exclusive only to Sarawak so far, is claimed to be the fifth dengue strain to be detected in the country. It is the first new subtype in 50 years and those in medicine believe that this could be another challenge to the development of a dengue vaccine. "This threat warrants better monitoring of dengue infections in Malaysia and the Indonesian archipelago, as researchers believe there may be more dengue variant to be discovered in the jungles of these two countries. "The jungles are among the places where they believe dengue viruses evolved in primates, from ancestral viruses. "The new subtype has only been found in Sarawak, where it could be circulating among macaques living in the forests, but its discovery calls for urgent preventive measures in controlling the disease," he said of the latest subtype. Before the Den-5 discovery, dengue viruses identified in patients were exclusive to four serotypes-- the Den-1, Den-2, Den-3 and Den-4 viruses. Dr Tharmaseelan told the New Straits Times yesterday that the Den-5 subtype was identified during screening tests on virus samples that were collected during an outbreak in Malaysia in 2007. He said analysis carried out on the virus showed that the characteristics of the new variant were unique from the four existing viruses. The virus was found in the blood sample of a man from Padawan, Kuching, by a group of researchers from the Institute of Health and Community Medicine (IHCM) of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, headed by its director Associate Professor Dr David Perera. A sample from the patient who has now recovered fully was sent for lab analysis and it is understood that the researchers managed to isolate the virus. However, it remains unknown whether there are others who had been infected by the virus as there was no published evidence to suggest that the dengue strain could be found elsewhere. He said lab tests on monkeys infected with Den-5 found that the virus induced different sets of antibodies from the primates compared with those that fight off the other four subtypes. Dr Tharmaseelan said , there had been no solid evidence to establish the pattern of how the Den-5 virus is spread, unlike the clear "human-to-mosquito-to-human" cycle of the four strains. In a reaction to MMA's assessment of the spread of dengue in the country Health Ministry deputy director-general of Health (public health) Datuk Dr Lokman Hakim Sulaiman dismissed the existence of the Den-5 virus. "There is no new variant of dengue circulating in Malaysia or in the world. "Our lab dengue virus surveillance showed no evidence of a new dengue strain... nothing was reported in the world scientific literature either," he told the NST. The group of IHCM researchers who claimed to have discovered the Den-5 virus is expected to reveal their findings in April, which NST understands will include the full case of the man in Padawan who was infected as well as the virus' prevalence and symptoms in those infected. It was reported that dengue fever resulted in 17 deaths throughout the country from January to Feb 2, this year, an increase of 240 per cent or 12 deaths compared with only five cases for the same period last year. Throughout the period, 9,453 cases of dengue fever were reported nationwide, up 269 per cent or 6,894 cases, compared with 2,559 cases during the same period last year. Health Ministry vector borne diseases section head Dr Rose Nani Mudin said analysis from blood samples, collected from dengue patients in 44 clinics and hospitals nationwide, showed that most of them were infected with the Den-2 virus (most dangerous) followed by Den-1, Den-4, and Den-3. "Patients with Den-2 virus will show more severe effects, such as dengue shock syndrome and bleeding," she said.
Sarawak dailies offer no fresh lead on succession plan Posted: 09 Feb 2014 08:01 AM PST 10 February 2014| last updated at 12:18AM Speculative reports that Taib would announce his successor in two days, was debunked after being overtaken by yesterday's events. The Borneo Post reported that Taib did not announce his retirement as anticipated but gave ample indication that he had decided to retire soon. Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu permanent chairman Datuk Amar Mohamad Asfia Awang Nasar was quoted as saying the succession issue would be settled before the chief minister announced his resignation "within a reasonable time frame". After the announcement was made, Utusan Borneo reported that the question was no longer "when" but "who" would become Taib's successor. The paper quoted Asfia as saying that Taib did not groom a particular individual to become his successor but always led party members of all levels to maintain (the PBB) as the strongest party in the state. The New Sarawak Tribune reported that Taib would make an important announcement within two days in revealing his successor. Quoting Asfia, the party proposed Taib to become the state's Yang Dipertua Negeri to honour his contribution to the state and nation. Utusan Sarawak reported that Taib would announce his successor himself but there would be no specific date given. They reported Asfia as giving the assurance that the nominated candidate would not be a problem because the new chief minister would receive full political backing. Newspapers in Sarawak gave extensive coverage to the announcement that Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud will retire soon. Pic by Mohd Radzi Bujang |
Posted: 09 Feb 2014 08:01 AM PST 10 February 2014| last updated at 12:13AM Aisyah Azizul Raheem, 15, and her brother Ammar, 13, checked into SMK Padang Kala here while their brothers Adam, 12, and Arif, 8, enrolled at SK Padang Kala at 7.30am. Aisyah said her initial feelings before going to school were a mix of nervousness and excitement about meeting new teachers and classmates. "I could not sleep the whole night as I wondered about today (yesterday). "However, my brothers were excited to go to school despite having to face communication problems," she said in reference to her brothers' weak grasp of Bahasa Malaysia. About 600 students and teachers welcomed the four siblings at SMK Padang Kala during a brief ceremony, prior to their registration to their respective schools. State Education director Hussain Awang gave them free text books. Aisyah said the warm welcome was a relief and hoped that she could adapt well. Meanwhile, Hussain said he hoped other students and staff would help the siblings get intergrated quickly. Aisyah Azizul Raheem and her brothers (from left) Ammar, Adam and Arif are all smiles at a reception to welcome them at SMK Padang Kala in Kota Baru yesterday. Pic by Fathil Asri |
'Anwar wants to be Selangor MB' Posted: 09 Feb 2014 08:01 AM PST 10 February 2014| last updated at 12:12AM He said PKR's move to force the by-election nine months after the party's representative, Lee Chin Cheh, was given the mandate to become the assemblyman for the constituency was an affront to the democratic process. "Anwar has admitted that he is not only running for the Kajang state seat but is also in talks to replace Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim. In coming clean, Anwar has exposed his opportunistic and scheming ways," he said, adding Anwar's motive had become clear. "Anwar wanted Lee's job so as to steal Khalid's job. And all for the sole purpose of using Selangor to showcase himself for another run at Putrajaya." Huan said Anwar's boast he would use Selangor to showcase how Pakatan could run the richest state in the country through good and transparent governance was unbelievable. "The choice of Selangor is outrageous. "Choosing one of the richest states exposes Anwar as an opportunistic freeloader. "If he wanted to showcase his pedigree, why not choose Kelantan, where he would face tougher challenges of poverty reduction and development?" Huan said Anwar was intent on bolstering his CV by swooping into Selangor and taking credit for the work done by Khalid and numerous others. Huan said people should remember how Anwar had promised to step down from politics if Pakatan lost the general election but was now justifying his run in Kajang based on economic and racial problems that had forced him to change his mind. "What economic problems is he referring to? The Malaysian economy is expected to grow at over five per cent this year. "Moody's rating agency has stated that good governance in Malaysia will support the economic outlook for the next 18 months. It is actually an unquenchable thirst for power that is the driving force behind Anwar's decision." The Kajang by-election will take place on March 23. |
No clue yet on Taib's successor Posted: 09 Feb 2014 08:01 AM PST 10 February 2014| last updated at 12:18AM WITH scrutiny heating up on the three aspirants to take over from Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, there was precious little that could be gleaned yesterday from Tan Sri Adenan Satem, Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg and Datuk Awang Tengah Ali Hassan. At the outset of the state Barisan Nasional meeting yesterday chaired by Taib, only Awang Tengah would comment. Adenan refused to comment, merely mumbling and shaking his head. He tried to avoid talking to reporters and left quickly. Abang Johari was seen smiling and looking relaxed as he wandered around the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) foyer but did not speak to the media. That left only Awang Tengah to capitalise on the moment. The PBB senior vice-president, describing the closed-door meeting with Taib as "something special", said the session was a "sad farewell". "The meeting is special because there is a possibility that it will be the last time that he (Taib) chairs a state Barisan Nasional meeting," Awang Tengah said. Awang Tengah appreciated the fact that everyone voiced their feelings about Taib's succession plan. "At the same time, they are sad because they want Taib to continue leading the state but we have to respect his decision." On his name being bandied about as one of three aspirants to succeed Taib, Awang Tengah expressed surprise at the speculation. "I am just a small man but as I said, we will support whoever is chosen. The most important thing is to carry on all the good things chartered by Taib as he has built a strong foundation. "This needs good team work." Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud (third from right) posing for a photograph with possible chief minister candidates Datuk Awang Tengah Ali Hassan (right) and Datuk Abang Johari Tun Openg (second from left). With them are other Sarawak BN leaders after the meeting at the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu headquarters in Kuching yesterday. Pic by Nadim Bokhari |
Posted: 09 Feb 2014 08:01 AM PST IN keeping with iM4U's founding principle of mobilising Malaysian youths for volunteer and nation-building activities, the participants are always ready to serve in the name of community service. Last year, iM4U volunteers ran over 500 programmes which benefited schoolchildren, the disabled, orphans and senior citizens. To close Malaysia's Year of Volunteerism 2013, it organised a nationwide International Volunteer Day (IVD) celebration on Dec 5. Working with its outreach centres and other like-minded youth organisations, iM4U led a variety of community programmes which brought the public, government agencies and private sector together. Such activities also helped to promote responsibility, discipline, teamwork, love for the country as well as a caring attitude among fellow citizens. iM4U flagship programmes during the IVD included Cook4U, where volunteers and locals cooked and distributed food to residents of old folks' homes and orphanages; Tourism4U (volunteers distributed brochures to promote Visit Malaysia Year 2014; Dance4Unity (volunteers taught children at community centres to dance), and gotong-royong activities in every state. It gives great pride to see that volunteers can be called up to serve according to the needs of the day. For instance, the Johor team had quickly responded to the flood situation in Segamat by carrying out relief operations with the Social Welfare Department. Volunteers prepared simple meals such as fried meehooon and "mixed rice" for victims who sought shelter at relief centres, community halls and religious schools. At the end of last year, many states in Peninsular Malaysia were hit by floods. Kuantan in Pahang and Kemaman in Terengganu suffered the worst inundation in 20 years. The volunteers came forward to provide aid at relief centres and helped with the clean-up. Teams from the nearest iM4U outreach centres were mobilised. A total of 3,000 youths from 15 higher learning institutions were deployed to Universiti Malaysia Pahang, which was the relief operations centre for Kuantan district. On Dec 7 and 8, a joint relief mission was run by UiTM Jengka, UiTM Shah Alam and Rompin Community College outreach centres, together with the iM4U Street Team, Radio Era and Sinar FM stations. A group of 200 volunteers were called up and the group then travelled to Sungai Isap, Kuantan. More than 8,000 flood victims from the area had been relocated to SMK Paya Besar. The volunteers worked tirelessly to clean up the school and ensure that it was ready for the new term. For more than six hours, the team managed to clear the mud and rubbish accumulated during the period when it was used as a relief centre. They also rearranged the furniture in all the classrooms, main hall, canteen and also replanted the school garden. The iM4U team also received an appeal from Siti Hawa Majid in Kampung Sungai Isap to help her family move back into their flood-ravaged home. Siti Hawa, who lives with her wheelchair-bound mother and brother, was overwhelmed by the extent of the damage to their home. A group of 20 volunteers rushed to her village to offer assistance. They felt a strong sense of empathy and sympathy for victims like Siti Hawa, which further galvanised them into action. The volunteers divided themselves into teams to remove damaged furniture, remove the mud from her house, wash her clothes and do as much housework as they could. The clean-up operation was continued the following day by another team from the Rompin Community College iM4U outreach centre. They, too, worked hard to complete the clean-up. Many other volunteers also carried out similar operations at the homes of other victims, childcare centres and community centres affected by floods in the Sungai Isap area of Kuantan. All the volunteers left with a myriad of memories and experience, tired but motivated to continue serving after seeing how their efforts made a difference and contributed to the wellbeing of others. In view of the many calls for iM4U volunteers to provide assistance during emergencies, the management has decided to establish a rapid response team to provide effective and efficient services. In order to achieve this aim, iM4U will be working with the Selangor Fire and Rescue Department to establish the "iM4U Fire Brigade Community" (Komuniti iM4U Bomba), whereby iM4U volunteers will be trained to provide professional assistance. Twenty selected volunteers and iM4U staff members will undergo basic emergency and disaster training by the department. Upon successful completion of the course, they will be awarded a certificate that is recognised by the Fire and Rescue Department. The training will qualify the "iM4U Fire Brigade Community" to handle emergencies and assist with crowd management during disasters like fires, landslides and floods. After the initial training, the team will be placed on standby at the request of the Selangor Fire and Rescue Department. iM4U is also planning to arrange for all its volunteers to receive first aid training. It is working towards ensuring that volunteers can provide the best assistance at all times of need. Volunteers at a briefing before going on a flood relief operation. The iM4U team helping to clean up the house of Siti Hawa Majid in Kampung Sungai Isap, Kuantan. |
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