Polis terima lebih 90 laporan terhadap pertemuan Nurul Izzah-Jacel Kiram |
- Polis terima lebih 90 laporan terhadap pertemuan Nurul Izzah-Jacel Kiram
- Finas risau kualiti industri filem, mahu perubahan drastik
- Travel sector stocks rocked by escalating terror fears
- Amazon’s Nazi ads pullled over New York backlash
- After Russia jet downing, US and France warn against escalation
- Helping plus-size talents get into modelling (VIDEO)
Polis terima lebih 90 laporan terhadap pertemuan Nurul Izzah-Jacel Kiram Posted: 24 Nov 2015 05:00 PM PST
Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Bukit Aman Datuk Seri Mohmad Salleh berkata laporan mengenai tindakan Anggota Parlimen Lembah Pantai itu kebanyakannya diterima di Sabah. "[Berikutan laporan itu] polis klasifikasikan kes ini mengikut Seksyen 124 Kanun Keseksaan Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-langkah Khas) 2012 (Sosma) dan akan mengambil keterangan Nurul Izzah dalam masa terdekat," katanya. Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan penutupan Persidangan Antarabangsa mengenai Pemerdagangan Manusia di Maktab Polis Diraja Malaysia di sini, semalam. Persidangan dua hari itu, yang bermula Isnin, dianjurkan Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) dengan kerjasama University of Derby dan The International Policing and Justice Institute. Mohmad berkata tarikh untuk mengambil keterangan Nurul Izzah belum dapat ditetapkan kerana beliau sibuk. Pertemuan Nurul Izzah dengan Jacel menjadi viral dan membangkitkan kemarahan banyak pihak terutamanya penduduk Sabah selepas Jacel memuat naik empat keping gambar mereka dalam akaun Facebook beliau pada 9 Nov lepas. Pada Februari 2013, kumpulan dari selatan Filipina menceroboh Lahad Datu di Sabah hingga menyebabkan lapan anggota polis dan dua tentera terkorban dalam Operasi Daulat manakala 68 pengganas ditembak mati. Nurul Izzah dalam kenyataannya sebelum ini mengakui beliau bertemu Jacel pada 9 Nov semasa berada di Filipina bersama-sama dengan Anggota Parlimen Batu, Tian Chua sebagai sebahagian daripada rombongan PKR bertemu dengan pelbagai pihak berkepentingan negara itu. Setelah berdepan dengan kritikan dan kecaman daripada pelbagai pihak, Nurul Izzah akhirnya memohon maaf kepada rakyat Malaysia yang terguris dengan gambar beliau bersama Jacel itu. Dalam perkembangan lain, Mohmad mengesahkan mayat mendiang Timbalan Ketua Bahagian Bicara dan Rayuan di Jabatan Peguam Negara Anthony Kevin Morais telah dituntut oleh anggota keluarganya semalam. Ketika ditanya adakah siasatan polis merupakan punca mayat Kevin Morais lambat dituntut, beliau menafikannya dan berkata ia tiada kaitan dengan siasatan polis. "Daripada perspektif polis, ia [siasatan] telah selesai, cuma proses tuntutan mayat lambat, kena tanya keluarga," katanya. Mayat Morais, 55, ditemui di dalam tong dram berisi konkrit di Persiaran Subang Mewah, Subang Jaya, dekat sini pada 16 Sept lepas. Morais dilaporkan hilang pada 4 Sept lepas dan kali terakhir dilihat meninggalkan pangsapurinya di Menara Duta di sini, untuk ke tempat kerjanya di Pejabat Peguam Negara, Putrajaya.—Bernama |
Finas risau kualiti industri filem, mahu perubahan drastik Posted: 24 Nov 2015 05:00 PM PST
Pengerusi Perbadanan Kemajuan Filem Nasional Malaysia (Finas) Datuk Ahmad Khusairy Abdul Talib berkata walaupun acap kali diperkatakan, namun kebanyakan pengusaha filem tempatan dilihat tidak mengambil berat isu itu menyebabkan penonton mula hilang keyakinan terhadap filem tempatan. Bercakap kepada Bernama selepas merasmikan 'Young Filmmakers Forum 2015' di sini, semalam Ahmad Khusairy berkata krisis keyakinan itu dapat dilihat berdasar sambutan terhadap tayangan filem tempatan di pawagam yang semakin merosot. "Hanya 10 peratus daripada RM700 juta hasil jualan tiket wayang adalah daripada filem tempatan, RM630 juta lagi adalah hasil kutipan dari filem luar negara seperti Korea, Jepun, filem Hollywood dan Hong Kong," katanya memetik statistik Persatuan Sutradara Malaysia 2014. Ahmad Khusairy berkata peminat filem kini sudah pandai menilai kualiti sesebuah filem, justeru pengusaha filem perlu lebih proaktif untuk menambah baik kualiti filem dari segi teknologi, jalan cerita dan promosi filem yang menyakinkan. Ahmad Khusairy mengharapkan lebih ramai penggiat seni dari kalangan generasi muda menyalurkan idea kreatif mereka dalam usaha memperbaiki kualiti penulisan skrip serta teknik sinematografi agar dapat menghasilkan filem yang berkualiti dan bermutu. "Forum yang dilaksanakan ini adalah untuk memacu tenaga muda terlibat secara langsung dalam pembikinan industri filem dan menghasilkan karya bermutu di peringkat tempatan mahupun antarabangsa. "Karyawan muda perlu sedar bahawa untuk menambat hati penonton .. pembikin filem itu perlu mempunyai ilmu dan tidak menghasilkan filem syok sendiri," katanya. Pada majlis itu, pengkarya bebas Muzzamer Rahman, 27, berjaya mengondol dua daripada lima anugerah utama, Anugerah Filem Digital Malaysia iaitu 'Best Young Film maker Award' menerusi karya bertajuk Nadia. Karya beliau, 'Sebatang Pensil dan Sebiji Oren' yang dihasilkan pada 2014 turut dinobatkan sebagai 'Best Digital Feature Award'. Forum sehari anjuran 'Institute of Arts and Media Studies (Semesta) dengan kerjasama Finas itu dianjurkan buat kali ketiga sejak 2011 dan berjaya menghimpunkan hampir 200 penggiat seni muda dan pelajar universiti.—Bernama |
Travel sector stocks rocked by escalating terror fears Posted: 24 Nov 2015 04:57 PM PST
Shares in airlines as well as in travel and hotel groups slid after the United States issued a worldwide travel alert for its citizens on Monday. Russia meanwhile confirmed that a warplane shot down by Turkey on the Syrian border was one of its fighter jets but insisted the plane had not violated Turkish airspace. In Britain, budget airline Easyjet and British Airways announced it had cancelled all flights to and from the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh until next year over security concerns raised by the downing of a Russian airliner in Egypt last month. Russia last week said the plane was blown up in a "terrorist attack." Brussels will meanwhile stay at the highest security threat level for another week over fears of an imminent terror attack, the Belgian government said. "The heightened geopolitical threat from the Russian jet being downed by Turkey, while Brussels remains in lockdown, is sending people into safe havens like the yen and gold and out of travel-sensitive stocks," said Jasper Lawler, an analyst with traders CMC Markets. "The rebound in the oil price is also a negative for fuel prices for airlines," he told AFP. London's benchmark FTSE 100 index closed down 0.45 per cent, while the eurozone's main markets Frankfurt's DAX 30 and the CAC 40 in Paris both dropped nearly 1.5 per cent compared with Monday's close. The geopolitical tensions overshadowed the US Commerce Department report that the world's biggest economy grew at a stronger pace than first thought, by 2.1 per cent, in the third quarter. In foreign exchange, the euro stood at US$1.0639 as it extended its recovery from seven-month lows of under US$1.06 on Monday. Gold meanwhile rose 0.67 per cent to US$1,076 (RM4,512) per ounce. Yesterday, authorities in Belgium and France were hunting for Belgian-born Salah Abdeslam, a key suspect in the Paris attacks on November 13, when gunmen and suicide bombers killed 130 people. Meanwhile "the shooting down of a Russian jet by Turkish forces, appears to have spooked the markets, with the European indices sharply widening their losses," noted Connor Campbell, financial analyst at Spreadex. The incident is the first time a Russian military plane has been downed since Moscow began a bombing campaign on September 30 at the request of its long-standing ally Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Yesterday's developments sent travel sector shares sliding. In London, Easyjet slumped 3.34 per cent and British Airways' parent IAG lost 3.53 per cent. Elsewhere yesterday, shares in German airline Lufthansa shed 3.98 per cent and in Paris, French hotels group Accor sank by 4,86 per cent in value compared with Monday's close. — AFP |
Amazon’s Nazi ads pullled over New York backlash Posted: 24 Nov 2015 04:47 PM PST
NEW YORK, Nov 25 — It's the land of the free and Americans don't like Nazi insignia laid over the stars and stripes. Nor do they want to sit on it. A furious backlash has prompted Amazon to pull ads for a television show that featured the Nazi German eagle and Imperial Japan's rising sun on the New York subway. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority allowed the company to color seats on the Times Square shuttle with the symbols laid over the US flag to promote "The Man in the High Castle". The show, which premiered last month, is set in the 1960s as if America had lost World War II — occupied by Nazi Germany in the east and the Empire of Japan in the west. Based on the novel by Philip Dick, it portrays an America in which slavery is legal and Jews hide under assumed names. An official told AFP that the ads — which had been originally scheduled to run until next month — were being pulled. Amazon did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Mayor Bill de Blasio led calls for the ads to be removed, saying they were offensive to World War II and Holocaust survivors, as well as to countless others. New York is one of the most diverse metropolitan areas in the world, and after Tel Aviv is home to the world's second largest Jewish population by city. "Seeing the American flag paired with a Nazi symbol is viscerally offensive, because there is no context as to what it means," said the Anti-Defamation League. "We're not saying that people don't have a right to express themselves. We're just saying that it has a level of insensitivity." New York state assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, who is Jewish, slammed what he called "vulgar and offensive advertising." "The MTA could have allowed this show to be advertised without using such offensive insignias. As a Jew I am offended, and as a New Yorker I am embarrassed," he said. Dinowitz demanded that the ads be pulled immediately and that the MTA issue a public apology. "The MTA should be ashamed of themselves and this ignorant advertising campaign, as it is offensive not just to the Jewish community, but to all Americans," he said. — AFP |
After Russia jet downing, US and France warn against escalation Posted: 24 Nov 2015 04:44 PM PST
WASHINGTON, Nov 25 — France and the United States joined NATO and the United Nations in calling for a de-escalation of tensions yesterday after Turkey shot down a Russian war plane over its volatile border with Syria. Ankara has said its jets shot down the Russian aircraft after it violated Turkish airspace 10 times within a five-minute period, a move that Russian President Vladimir Putin denounced as a "stab in the back" by another key player in Syria's brutal civil war. US President Barack Obama, shortly after meeting with his French counterpart Francois Hollande at the White House, urged calm and said diplomacy should be allowed to work. "I think it is very important for us to right now make sure that both the Russians and the Turks are talking to each other and find out exactly what happened, and take measures to discourage any kind of escalation," Obama told reporters. "Turkey, like every country, has a right to defend its territory and airspace," he said. But Obama said his top priority "is going to be to ensure that this does not escalate." "Hopefully, this is a moment in which all parties can step back and make a determination as to how their interests are best served." Moscow has insisted that the jet had stayed inside Syrian territory. The shoot-down was the first incident of its kind since Russia launched air strikes in Syria in September in support of President Bashar al-Assad's regime. The Russian warplanes have been pounding Syrian rebels and Islamic State fighters, and they have raised western concerns about a possible clash with US-led coalition planes also flying missions over Syria. Hollande called the air clash "serious" and regrettable, and said Turkey was providing relevant information to NATO in order to help determine what happened. "But we must prevent an escalation. That would be extremely damaging," Hollande said. "We must find a solution to this Syrian crisis, because we can see what the risks are otherwise." UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for urgent measures to de-escalate the tensions, saying a "credible and thorough review" of the incident would help clarify what happened and prevent a repeat. Despite the spike in tensions, there was no immediate request for an emergency UN Security Council meeting. British Ambassador Matthew Rycroft, whose country chairs the council this month, said a meeting could be held if requested and that the incident was not raised during a morning session. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg made similar appeals for calm. "As we have repeatedly made clear, we stand in solidarity with Turkey and support the territorial integrity of our NATO ally, Turkey," Stoltenberg said after an emergency meeting of all 28 members requested by Ankara. "I look forward to further contacts between Ankara and Moscow and call for calm and de-escalation. Diplomacy and de-escalation are important to resolve this situation," he said. — AFP |
Helping plus-size talents get into modelling (VIDEO) Posted: 24 Nov 2015 04:40 PM PST MOSCOW, Nov 25 — A professional modeling school for girls with a fuller look opens its doors in Moscow. The Plus Size Fashion academy trains fresh faced talent to break into the highly competitive modelling industry. Founder Dilyara Larina is an author and plus-size model herself. She says her mission is help others who dream of hitting the catwalk. — Reuters |
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